
Showing posts from October, 2022

The Memory Ghosts

The Memory Ghosts It was the fourth day in the lonely house since she had gone away. She had taken the kids with her. There was a calmness to a place that was once chaos. There was a stillness to the place that we once called home. It was getting to the end of the day and the sun was just going down.  It was a place that seemed empty when you walked in it, but at this point, he could be at a crowded train station and feel alone. I didn’t really see it coming, but now that I look back on it, I can see the signs. A move here, a prep here. Many different things led up to this feeling, and the feeling of neglect was thick in the air. Neglect of ourselves, neglect of the relationship, neglect of the children, and neglect of the animals. There was a peacefulness in the air that was completely and totally interrupted by the sounds of laughter. The sounds of kids playing in the backyard. The sounds of life happening around you. It was the anxiety that made him withdraw into his electronic devi