
Showing posts from January, 2023

How to Channel Anger Into Motivation

Anger is a normal and natural human emotion, but it can also be destructive if not managed properly. When anger is not addressed and dealt with in a healthy way, it can lead to physical and emotional problems, including stress, anxiety, and depression. However, anger can also be harnessed and transformed into a powerful force for good, if you know how to do it. In this blog post, we’ll explore the ways in which anger can be turned into motivation, and provide you with some tips and techniques that you can use to do so. First and foremost, it’s important to understand the underlying causes of your anger. Anger is often a result of feeling frustrated, powerless, or upset about a particular situation. Once you have identified the root cause of your anger, it’s easier to channel it into productive action. One way to turn anger into motivation is to channel it into specific, achievable goals. Instead of letting your anger simmer, use it to drive you forward and help you achieve what you wan

My Story This Far

I was born in Ada, Oklahoma, a small town in the southern part of the state, but I was raised mostly in Seminole, a slightly larger town about an hour away. Growing up, it was just my mom and me, as my dad wasn't really a part of my life. My mom did her best to provide for us, but it wasn't always easy, and I often found myself getting into trouble as a teenager. One of the things I struggled with the most was my relationship with alcohol. I started drinking in high school and, unfortunately, it quickly got the better of me. I was constantly getting into arguments and almost getting into trouble with the law. It was a dangerous and destructive path that I was on, and it took a devastating event to finally make me realize that I needed to make a change. One of my close friends was killed in a car accident, and it was a wake-up call for me. I realized that I needed to straighten up and fly right if I wanted to have any chance at a happy and successful life. It wasn't going to

If You Build It, They Might Come

  The 80's classic Field of Dreams is about a man who builds a baseball field in a cornfield. He keeps hearing the idea that "If you build it, they will come" and eventually he builds the field and Shoeless Joe Jackson and the Yankee's show up. He is promised that if you he builds this baseball field, then they will come. Eventually, people show up from out of nowhere and they, because he built the field, show up.  It's a baseball fairytale, and it is extremely misleading. Mainly because people don't just show up to a thing you create. But we expect them to do so. And we are not happy when they don't.  As a theatre artist for most of my life, I have tried on more than one occasion to build something that people would show up to. I constantly try to affirm the idea that this is great and that they need to be here. And hope that the magical word of mouth will do it's job and make whatever I'm doing a viral success.  Because, hey, it worked for Kevin